The world of cannabis is vast, with many different strains and types to choose from. There are two main families of cannabis: sativa and indica. Sativa provides a more uplifting high whereas indica induces a mellower type of feeling. This blog post will explore the difference of indica vs sativa marijuana plants as well as identifying some popular examples found in both categories.

What is the difference between Sativa and Indica marijuana strains?

You’ve probably heard the terms “sativa” and “indica” before, but do you know what they mean? Sativas are typically associated with being more energizing and uplifting whereas indicas are usually more calming. The difference is due to their chemical compounds. For example, sativas produce a higher ratio of THC to CBD than indica plants do. This means that it takes less time for a person’s high from a sativa plant to start kicking in versus an indica plant.

How does each strain affect you differently?

I’m sure you’ve heard about the various different types of cannabis, but do you know how each one affects your mind and body? The world is full of an infinite number of strains that all have their own unique effects. Some leave users energized while others can make them feel more relaxed and calm. With so many options to choose from, it’s important for every user to find a strain that suits them best!
In this blog post we will explore some common cannabis strains along with their general effects on the user. By understanding what each variety does, you’ll be able to confidently select your next favorite type knowing exactly what it will do for you!

How to tell if it’s an indica or a sativa plant? [Infographic]

How can I tell which type I’m smoking by looking at it?

Did you know that there are two main types of weed? Indica and Sativa. Both have different effects on the user, they also look different! You can tell which one is which by looking at it. Indica has a shorter leaf structure with wide leaflets, whereas Sativa will often be taller with thin leaves. It’s not always easy to tell what type of cannabis you’re smoking just by looking at it though, so if you want to test out your skills then try telling them apart using other physical characteristics like color, smell or density.

Find the right strain for you

The best way to find the right strain of cannabis is to know what you need. Do you want a sedative effect or do you need it for pain relief? Have any allergies, sensitivities, or intolerances that might affect your experience? What about cost and availability? Knowing these things will help narrow down the options and make finding the perfect strain easy.